Tuesday, April 10, 2007


You can learn more about this at their website.

Guess what?

Chicken Butt!

Bad joke, I know.

Something new is in the works and I can't wait to share!

Kicked out of Neiman Marcus

I had a great time hanging out with Dani and Dave at Z'Tejas
in Scottsdale Fashion Square. They have these margaritas with a TON of Tequila (around 3 ounces) and they limit you to 3. I drank a beer because I'm a super lightweight :)

After some cocktails we went to Neiman Marcus to shoot on this really cool escalator. The valet tipped off the store management and we had to stop! I still got some great shots!

Here is Dave thanking the staff :)

I really liked this piece.

After the Neiman Marcus debacle, we headed down to the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts.

I can't wait until their wedding next week!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This is for you Brit!

So I just received a text message: "Why aren't my pictures still on your website?"
Good question!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Trent turns 1

I think that he is quite possibly one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen.

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