Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Vocal Stylings of Debbi Ebert

Some argue that Jazz is the only true American art form.

I believe that Americans adopt and adapt and make things truly their own. It could be the freedom we enjoy to pursue creative interests, or the unique American drive that lies within.

Jazz is often misunderstood or lumped into one broad category - elevator. Honestly, this music is as broad and diverse as the artists who perform this music. From Progressive and Experimental to Funk and Latin, nobody is left out of the Jazz Scene in Orange County, California.

On Saturday, July 14th Debbi Ebert took stage at the Orange County Pavilion. She not only embodies the sultry, soul filled sounds of Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and Nancy Wilson she adapts their songs to make them her own. Debbi takes stage and delivers a powerhouse performance, truly dominating the stage. She connects with her audience on a personal level and leaves everybody feeling exhilarated, inspired and most of all, moved.

You can hear one of her songs and view highlights of the show by clicking here
You can purchase her CD, Definitely Debbi as well as other OC Jazz greats by clicking here

Friday, May 11, 2007

Dani + Dave

Whew! I shot a lot of images at this wedding so it was hard to pick my favorite. In total, we had 4 sessions! We met for cocktails and got booted from Neimans, dinner at their home where we had an impromptu session, their party the night before the wedding and then their wedding!

We decided to do all of Dani and Dave's portraits at their home after the wedding. Their home is beautiful and so is the lighting so we had a ton of relaxed fun.

This was the coolest couch! When I first visited their home, I said "I gotta shoot Dani on that couch!"

They were totally tolerant of all my ideas! Thanks guys!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Val Vista Lakes

I have been working on some behind the scenes stuff and I am finding that I hardly have time to post on my blog! I am a bad blogger! I have SO MUCH to share but I never find time to do it.

Here are some images that I shot with my friend Kristie

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


You can learn more about this at their website.

Guess what?

Chicken Butt!

Bad joke, I know.

Something new is in the works and I can't wait to share!

Kicked out of Neiman Marcus

I had a great time hanging out with Dani and Dave at Z'Tejas
in Scottsdale Fashion Square. They have these margaritas with a TON of Tequila (around 3 ounces) and they limit you to 3. I drank a beer because I'm a super lightweight :)

After some cocktails we went to Neiman Marcus to shoot on this really cool escalator. The valet tipped off the store management and we had to stop! I still got some great shots!

Here is Dave thanking the staff :)

I really liked this piece.

After the Neiman Marcus debacle, we headed down to the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts.

I can't wait until their wedding next week!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This is for you Brit!

So I just received a text message: "Why aren't my pictures still on your website?"
Good question!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Trent turns 1

I think that he is quite possibly one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, March 02, 2007

iHave Switched!

I got a Mac and I am loving it! It's SO AWESOME! I love it's sleek design! I love the OS and the applications. iLove this thing!

Right now, I am completing most of my tasks on my iMac and editing on my Windows machine. I am learning a lot right now - like how to network 2 Windows machines with a Mac.

So next time you see me pull up, note the little white apple on my bumper :)